Terms and Conditions
All bookings made through https://www.toursinsorrfento.com/ are subject to the following Terms & Conditions regulated by Tiana Srl.

General introduction of Tiana Srl – a limited responsibility society, legally established in Sorrento Naples (Italy)  – 80067,  – VAT 09350491214, registered at the directors of business companies of Naples Number REA NA – 1025879 regulated by law in force in Italy.
https://www.toursinsorrento.com/ – brand of Tiana Srl – is an e-commerce website for the sale of touristic services online and allows you to book and purchase guided tours, private tours, package tours, transfers, car rental with driver, tickets to museums, to archaeological sites, to artistic or sports events, reservation of hotels, flights and everything that is part of the online sale of touristic services in general.

The prices for all activities booked through https://www.toursinsorrento.com/ are already inclusive of all costs, taxes, services and supplements in order to ensure to the final customer a well clear and unambiguous rates, is made exception for entrance fees to museums and archeological sites, ZTL fees and all other extra costs that are not included or mentioned and specified in the programme. In rare cases, the prices could be subject to change without prior notice for reasons beyond the control of the website, in which case we will contact the customer by e-mail to verify the will and the intention or not to accept the new conditions of the activity. In case the customer wishes to desist, the proposal will be an alternative or a refund of the purchased service.

Payments of travel services shall be made directly online through the https://www.toursinsorrento.com/ which guarantees its customers through a secure system of the latest generation for the protection of personal data. If for any reasons, the selected service cannot be purchased directly online, the customer can send an e-mail request to info@sorrentoturistoffice.com. Our team will answer as quickly as possible to proceed with the payment prior written consent.

Upon payment, the system generates an e-mail for confirmation and our staff will send an attached e-voucher in .pdf (portable document format) that is delivered to the mailbox that the customer has indicated. This file constitutes the only valid travel document of the customer and for this reason must be printed and presented to the service provider at the time of use of the service. Some suppliers accept the e-voucher dispayed directly on your electronic devices: smart phones, tablets, etc. So if this information is reported on the e-voucher itself, no need to be printed.

Cancellation Policy

The following cancellation conditions apply:

Standard Cancellation policy is 24 hours before date of service without any penalties, otherwise the full amount will be charged.
In the event that a customer for any reason has to cancel an activity, he should immediately send an e-mail to: info@sorrentotouristoffice.com and receive the confirmation of cancellation by the team of the website. Only in this case the cancellation takes effect and will be executes the provisions of the cancellation policy relating to the activity subject to cancellation. Toursinsorrento.com will not be responsible in case of non receipt of the cancellation. Toursinsorrento.com will not be responsible for any cancellation due to major natural force.

Deposit Coupon 2022
Use this coupon to pay a deposit of 50% of the total amount – the balance must be settled a day before of service by credit card or at the time of service before it starts by cash, directly to our staf, driver, skipper or guide, if you decide to use this method and then you cancel the tour, excursion or any other service you buy from us, the 50% deposit will not be refundable and standard Cancellation Policies will not apply.

Toursinsorrento.com holds the exclusive function of an agent to its customers for all services available on its website and therefore assumes no responsibility for any damages, loss, accidents, delays or inconveniences that may occur either due to defects or as acts of government or other civil authorities (war, civil unrest, strikes, etc..) or from any cause to be considered outside of its direct control. In addition, Toursinsorrento.com, assumes no responsibility for loss or additional expenses due to delays, schedule changes or other causes. Toursinsorrento.com and its suppliers reserve the right to alter or modify itineraries in order to improve each tour, for the benefit and enjoyment of the members of the tour. Toursinsorrento.com and its suppliers reserve the right to cancel or re-schedule any tour departure in accordance with operational needs of the service.

Passports & Personal Documents
Each customer must check the validity of their documents necessary for travel, tour, excursion or transfer, especially if you have planned to visit a country different from that of departure. The passengers has to carry a valid passport (with visa if necessary) or a valid identity card. No refunds will be granted in case of lack or loss of identity documents. This is important because in Italy there are some places such as museums or archaeological sites that provide price reductions for young people, students and sometimes over-sixties.

The luggage allowed for each activity are clearly highlighted on the page referring to the service purchased.


Equipment: The car is delivered with a speedometer duly sealed, normal accessories, triangle, one spare wheel, car license book. Client is held responsible for all the above documents and equipment. Any cost or damage arising from the loss, misuse or non-surrendering of such documents will be at his full charge.

Delivery and collection of car: The rental starts from the day and time for which the reservation has been made and/or at the time when the car is delivered to client and will end of the day and time originally fixed for its collection. Car is to be returned by client in the same good conditions as it was delivered except for the normal wear and tear. All data entered in this documents are binding to all effects. Should the client wish to amend the time, date or place originally established for the surrendering of car, he will have to notify the change and obtain the approval at least three days before.

Guarantee deposit: A guarantee deposit is compulsory. Said deposit will be returned of freed at end of rental. Should damages to the car be ascertained, said deposit will be kept temporally. The sum deposited as guarantee cannot be used to cover the prolongation of the rental period.

Maintenance of car: client is held responsible for the good use and maintenance of car and, consequently, will be charged for any damage caused by inexperience or carelessness on his part Costs for garaging, washing and mending flat tyres are at client’s charge. Expenses for oil, greasing and minor repairs due to normal wear will be returned to client at the surrendering of car against presentation of relevant official receipted invoices made on the plate of the car (indicating date, name and address of the supplier) and the spare parts which have eventually been replaced. In case of serious breakdown client will call the Company’s nearest station for assistance and eventual replacement of car. Expenses for repairs made without obtaining the authorization from the company will not be refunded.

Insurance: Client is guaranteed of the following insurance coverages:

– a) Public Liability towards third party;
– b) Collision: covering full value of car;
– c) Theft: covering the full value of car;
– d) Fire: covering the full value of car.

IMPORTANT: On above mentioned risks (b-c-d) exist a deductible amount.

The risk of the “deductible amount” can be borne by rental company owner of the car against payment of an additional fee (see special desk tariff). Client is not guaranteed of insurance coverage (even if the “full collision” additional charge has been paid) for the following: 1) for damages to the car hired when such damages are caused in incidents where no collision with another car occurs; 2) for damages to the car hired when client is unable to give details and data to reconstruct the event or to the identification of the collided car; 3) for damages caused to driver, transported persons and their belongings; 4) When the car hired is used for illegal purposes, racing or other contests propelling or towing of any vehicle and conveyance of goods; 5) when the car hired is driven by any person other than the renter; 5) when the car hired is driven by a person under the influence of alcohol or narcotics; 7) for damages caused in a non reported incident within prescribed time ( see paragraph F) or reported after having repaired damages; 8) for damages intentionally caused or occurred per un observance of the rules of the road traffic code, or caused by Client’s carelessness; 9) for immobilization of the vehicle due entirely to the renter’s fault; 10) for any risk in countries no mentioned in the “green card”( if requested); 11) for charges of transportation of the immobilized vehicle to the closest station; 12) for damages caused to the clutch assembly; 13) for damages or theft of the tires and/or hubcaps; 14) for damages caused to the roof, to the glasses and inside the vehicle.

Accidents: In case of accident client must inform the company owner of the car by telephone or letter within twenty four hours, by the appropriate form which he will find amongst the documents of the car.

Renter shall pay less or upon demand the time and kilometrage charges specified on page 1, the transfer charge ( in case the vehicle is returned to a place other than the check-out one) + government taxes, a sum corresponding to the cost of the fuel necessary in order to restore the original level tank in addition to the corresponding service charge, the special charges for Collision Damage Waiver and/or personal accident insurance if applicable, and any amounts due for other services. Renter agrees to accept the debits to his credit card account for any charges incurred. Renter paying with pre-paid voucher is jointly responsible with the travel agency for the payment of any amount concerning the rental even in the case of partial or total insolvency on the part of issuing travel agency.

Client is personally responsible for whatever event may occur or be connected with the use and possession of the car per which may derive civil or penal consequences or fines and hereby acknowledges and agrees the renting firm is lifted from any eventual claims that may be demanded her.

For any dispute the Law Courts to be held valid shall be exclusively Sorrento.

Renter hereby releases renting firm from any liability for loss of any property left, stored or transported by renter or any other person in or upon the vehicle.

Renter shall inform lessor in writing of tax code before year-end.
